History of Baker Rehab Group told by Dr. John Baker
The story of Baker Rehab Group began with a memorable patient who had Parkinson’s disease. I was in my clinical rotations in PT school at the time and shadowed a home care therapist a couple days a week. This particular patient lived on a farm by himself and his disease was progressing, which made it increasingly difficult for him to reach the bathroom upstairs. He also needed to take care of the animals on his farm, but the rocky surfaces on his property made for an unsafe environment.
The homecare therapist and I understood these issues could not easily be addressed in an outpatient clinic and we wanted to design a care plan that met his specific needs. Using a cane or a walker was unrealistic for him, and he didn’t have the family support to get out of the house.
During his treatment, we designed a pulley system with rope knots at certain positions so that he could navigate outdoor surfaces. By the end of his plan of care, he was able to manage all his necessary daily activities — go to the barn, feed the animals, go upstairs, and take a shower.
It was this experience that made me fall in love with home care. It made perfect sense to treat people in an environment where they spend most of their time. Now, almost 30 years later, I’m just as convinced of this. I knew from that experience that I wanted to do home care on a permanent basis. Shortly after I began working with Frederick Memorial Hospital as an inpatient physical therapist, I started doing home care on a PRN basis.
During my first ten years as a home care physical therapist, I noticed a gap in the continuum of care. Elderly people who once qualified for their home health benefit under Medicare Part A’s homebound requirement still required physical therapy services after discharge but often had circumstances that made it difficult to get to an outpatient clinic. Many of these patients stopped getting treatment and would eventually be readmitted to home care after an accident that could have been prevented had they gotten the care they needed.
I saw the opportunity to provide physical therapy for this specific group under Medicare Part B and started HomeCare Rehab, now Baker Rehab Group. Our motto: “In home care without the need to be homebound.”
I realized early on that God was providing for Baker Rehab Group after a knock on the door of my private, undisclosed office the day I started the business led to a referral for physical therapy services the next day. We would not be where we are today without God’s steady, guiding hand on our business. We recognize this reality and have made, “Honor God” our #1 core value. We seek to honor Him by being good stewards of our money, compassionate clinicians for our patients, equitable hiring managers for job seekers, faithful allies with our partners, and ethical practitioners in every area of our organization.
In the 18 years since, we’ve expanded our reach beyond Maryland into the surrounding states and have the privilege to partner with the region’s best home health agencies, orthopedic groups, assisted living communities, medical adult day centers, surgery centers and other provider organizations that excel in delivering exceptional care for clients.
We would be honored to earn your trust like we have for so many others by caring for you, a loved one, or your patients and can expect us to deliver the level of care that lives up to our motto, “Compassionate Care, Committed to Excellence.”
Dr. John F. Baker, PT, MA, GCS, NCS, NDT, DScPT
Chief Executive Officer/Owner
Baker Rehab Group
“And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” – Micah 6:8 NIV